Batman Incorporated #1 Review (New 52)

CONSENSUS: While most critics enjoyed Batman Incorporated's return, with great writing from Grant Morrison, and OK art from Chris Burnham, some found it to be too unwelcoming for newcomers to the series - defeating the object of the New 52 in the process. But if you're a long term Batman Inc reader, you'll no doubt enjoy this book.

Comic Vine: "Bravo to Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham for giving me a second Batman title I can love each month. There's no playing around here. This comic will blow you away." 100

CBR: "If you're a fan of Batman -- or just good superhero comics in general -- you need to read "Batman Incorporated" #1." 100

iFanBoy: 100

Batman-News: "At a time when Batman titles are hiking up to $3.99, and everything this month is a one-shot fight against Owls, "Batman Incorporated" is a breath of fresh air. I don't see a reason for any batman fans to miss this issue. Give it a shot, and I think you'll be back again next month to see what happens." 95

Multiversity Comics: 92

Population Go: "As opposed to Snyder's dark detective series, this book gives us the super-spy Batman that we've been missing. I certainly look forward to seeing where Morrison takes us with this series." 90

Inside Pulse: "I didn't really know how much I missed this book until I had it in my hands. There's something about the way Grant Morrison writes Batman where you just forget how perfect and amazing it is until you're getting another dose." 90

IGN: "Batman Inc's thunder may have been stolen, but this new series was worth the wait anyway." 90

Newsarama: "While Scott Snyder might bring the grit back to the Dark Knight, Grant Morrison is all about bringing back the flash." 90

Outer Realm Comics: 86

Weekly Comic Book Review: "It's very hard to pin down the appeal of this series, but I'd wager it has something to do with the anything-can-happen energy you get from the script and art. Morrison hasn't lost a beat in the long hiatus; Batman Inc. is quite as entertaining as it was before." 80

Starburst Magazine: 80

The Trades: 80

Eye on Comics: "I appreciate the complexity and vision of what Morrison's trying to accomplish here, but I fear he's sacrificing accessibility in the process." 70

Talking Comics: "I wish that Batman Incorporated was more a first issue, and less a continuation of a month's old storyline. The DC New 52 is all about welcoming people in and this does nothing of the source. And that's a shame because there are some diamonds in the rough of Batman Incorporated #1, I'm just not sure if many non-fans will be willing to find them. Add to that inconsistent art, I especially dislike the puggish look of Damian's face, and this is a package you should probably leave on the shelf until we see what's coming next month." 60

Crave Online: "If you want to know how ridiculously bad Batman Incorporated is, just flick to the panel where Robin introduces Batcow. You can't make this crap up folks." 40

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